Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Christianity -- Christian Living - speaking in tongues - REJOINDER to COMMENTS MADE BY DR. TONY AIDOO

The issue of tongues is not new. Then again I am only embarking on this rejoinder to comments by Dr. Tony Aidoo on Radio Gold based on the fact that I am a Christian, I believe in tongues in as much as I don't speak it. Also, I grew up in a Christian home, read the Bible and still read the Bible extensively. My comments are basically from my own understanding and teachings I have received from my Father who is a Lay Minister and my Pastors at Church. 

Many well meaning people have read Scriptures that speak of an "unknown" tongue and have understood that to mean a "special gift". Some make the distinction between the "gift of tongues" and a "special prayer language".

There are many references concerning tongues in Scripture. But in every case where the term "unknown" is used, it is always in italics. The italicizing of a word in the KJV indicates that it doesn't appear in the original text, and that it is added for clarification. Unfortunately, added words sometimes cause more confusion than they cause clarification.

In the Scriptures, the term "gift" comes from the Greek word "charis". It carries the meaning, "God's influence on the heart that is reflected in the life". God, indeed, gifts diferent people for different tasks. But the main task that God influences the believer's heart toward is ministering the Gospel message to the lost. His primary goal is NOT to cause us to get all "goose bumpy" and start shouting, etc. The Holy Spirit is used of God to witness to us of Christ. Some call the "speaking in tongues" "the evidence of the Holy Ghost". There is no Scripture that indicates that speaking in a tongue (language) other than your native tongue is the evidence of the Holy Ghost.

The tongues that the Apostle Paul spoke were words that were spoken "boldly" concerning the Lord Jesus. They were words that were understood by Barnabus (Acts 9:27-29).

On the day of Pentecost, all men of all nations were gathered together. When the Apostles spoke in tongues, the men heard them speak in their own tongue(Acts 2:6-11). And that which they heard were "the wonderful works of God". Had they been "unknown tongues" or some special prayer language, these men wouldn't have had any idea what was being spoken to them. Peter stood that day and declared the Gospel to ALL that were present. Men are not saved because they speak in tongues as "evidence they have the Holy Ghost". Men are saved because they believe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many rely upon the books to the Corinthians for their information concerning tongues. 

I hope this has been helpful to D. Tony Aidoo. If you need additional information, please don't hesitate to post a follow-up question. If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask me.

I hope this answers Dr. Tony Aidoo if only he is reading. 

With Love in Christ,
Kwabena POKU 

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